Friday, August 27, 2010

Journal #1

This is my first time taking a philosophy class and it seems to be very different than how I first perceived it by it's name. I imagined this class to be full on of memorization of quotes from Aristotle and a bunch of other ancient guys who were the father of many things we have today like even math. But the way this course has been headed on my first week gave me a different kind of impression. All of these philosophers didn't sit around and got revelations from God. They most likely got involved in their community. I remember that there was this one teacher who taught in a way where it was considered to be rebellious against the Roman Empire and it was because this empowered his students to have authority, perhaps such as self-rights. And this man couldn't have come to realize that if he himself never had authority to do stand up for anything. And so seeing that this course has a mandatory service learning assignment, I believe I will begin a path in which it will change me. When someone from an isolated and foreign place sees what the world is truly like then it will change him. Just like when humans first went out into space, and as the team of astronauts looked back they realized just how small and insignificant the earth is compared to the vast space of the universe.

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